2023: Charged Up
Name: Conehead
Swerve drive with 4 MK4i swerve modules
Intake that pick up cones and cubes from the double substation and the ground
Double jointed arm that can reach any node on the grid
Lights that facilitate communication between drivers and the human player
Balance, place, and taxi autonomous routines
Greater Boston: Sustainability Award
WPI: 1st pick of the 4th seed team
NE District Championships
BattleCry @ WPI: Alliance Captain of the 11th seed team
Click to view the CAD file
2022: Rapid React
Name: etbikehome
Six-wheel drop-center West Coast Drive with software compatibility for arcade drive, split control drive, and tank drive
Pneumatically controlled four-bar intake
Storage with a photoelectric sensor to detect cargo
Variable velocity flywheels to control cargo trajectory for scoring in upper and lower hub
Limelight 2.0 to automatically aim at target
Winch-controlled single-stage telescoping and passive polycarbonate arms to climb to the high rung
One-ball, two-ball, and taxi autonomous routines
North Shore: Highest Rookie Seed & Rookie All Star Award
WPI: Rookie Inspiration Award
BattleCry @ WPI
2021: Infinite Recharge
Name: Ultrabot
Hopper and belt-driven intake to collect and transport dodge balls to the shooting
Drop center kitbot tank drive
Double flywheel fixed-angle shooting
Horizontally stored electrical board
Wood and polycarbonate structure
At Home Competition: Game Changer Award
BattleCry @ WPI
Hopper and belt-driven intake to collect and transport dodge balls to the shooting mechanism
Drop center kitbot tank drive
Double flywheel fixed-angle shooting